Can I have a bite?

Eating. Drinking. Sometimes at home, sometimes on the town.

Monday, February 20, 2006

left nav PR and other ponderings

here i am, monday morning, surfing the web, catching up on the RSS feed from my top news source. is it no. is it the bbc worlds news service? nah. the oregonian? um, no. sadly, or proudly, i side-step all that worldly stuff for news that hits home -- from none other than portland-famous nick zukin's news feed. he's the prolific keeper of and i visited today (to read the full café voila menu, even though i still have yet to go there) and i noticed my very own little blog listed in his left nav. how did i earn that privilege? and more importantly, how the heck am i going to discipline myself to write here more so that my random musings appear often enough to justify "blogginess"? and maybe i don't belong there since i have only written once about a meal out in portland.

i'm thinking about food & drink all the time. unfortunately, i'm too poor lately to go out enough to enjoy it, but the necessity of staying in has inspired me to cook a whole lot, to the point that i prefer a home-cooked meal to one in a restaurant. i guess my time in should also inspire me to write. i'm writing in my head all the time, it's just a matter of being in front of a computer when the mood strikes. i'll work on that more in the coming weeks. promise.

for now, i'm sipping on my delicious vanilla latte from my downstairs neighbors, Bakery Bar, in order to keep warm while my office heats up. I highly recommend all of the scones that they serve up for $2.25, especially the surprisingly delicious fennel-raisin one.


Blogger extramsg said...

I see all, know all. ;-)

Honestly, someone visited my website from your links and I saw it in my stats which I always check through for new sites to put in my blogroll. So when I saw your site, I added it to my bloglines feeds which get republished on my website.

btw, it'd be easier to post if you didn't require a blogger login. Requiring anonymous users to input a code usually gets rid of spam.

3:32 PM  

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